WHAT MAKES ME SO SPECIAL?  Nothing in particular, although my kids used to call me a bald headed action figure.  In the solar industry, my mission is to market solar and to be one of the “good guys”.

MOST SOLAR COMPANIES ARE GOOD:  They’re run by people who believe in the technology, and are guided by integrity and a desire to do the right thing, for you, for the industry, and for the environment.  These are the good guys.  And you can tell pretty quickly when you call, that they are on your side.  When you call the right people, here are a few basic things you can expect:

HONEST ASSESSMENT:  Solar is a greater good, but it’s not a good fit for every home.  A number of elements come into play including roof size, direction of roof plains, condition of the roof, power needs, shading conditions, surrounding homes, etc…    A good rep will recommend solar only if it’s a good fit for your home.

SOLAR ADVOCATE:  Speaking with a good solar rep should feel more like a consultation than a sales pitch.  The conversation should never feel like its you verses the rep.  Going solar is a big deal, and we should have your back through the entire process.  Without omitting or glossing over details, a good solar rep will give you the best of their knowledge to help you make the right decisions.   

A GOOD PRODUCT:  A good rep should be backed by an established and reliable solar provider, and should be able to offer high quality equipment, properly installed by licensed professionals and backed by industry standard warranties.  

GOOD TERMS:  Buying, leasing, or entering a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), the agreement should be fair, and it should protect your interests as much as the solar provider.  A PPA, for example, should come with a system performance guarantee backed and maintained by the provider for the term of the agreement.

NO PRESSURE:  When you clearly understand solar, you’ll realize it’s a good deal.  The systems are clean, reliable, and provide power at predictable and reduced rates.  A good rep will help you make informed decisions based on a clear presentation of the details.  There should be no pressure.  Solar is good now, and it will be good when you’re ready.

I sincerely want to be one of the good guys in solar, so the qualities above are the foundation of my mission.  When you contact me, I pledge to have your best interest at heart as I guide you to the right solar system for your home.


As you navigate your way to going solar, feel free to email or call me any time.

Joe Jennings

3128 Via La Selva
Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
